Sunday, April 12, 2009

- our love will till the end in the moment -

did euu tired oreadi ??

euu noe ?
sumtimes i will feel LOVE make mii so complicated..

i do not noe it,
iz tiz the cause tat iz tiring to me ??

by the way,
the love feels very sweet honey for mii n euu..

by the way,
i feel tat the love iz troubled with mii very much..

by the way,
the love feels tat i am hard to mii..

by the way,
a baby bird seems to do the love tat much immediately..

therefore ,
the direction tat escaped to each about each iz blown off once..

the happiness tat it iz impossible to lead euu of mii who are the present again,
You oreadi belonged to other people..

eur hand,
i was not able to go down again..

eur taste,
i will learn to what i forget..

eur all,
i throw depth of my brain of the head again forever forever and make my desperate efforts and can come into a heart..

as for euu, the meeting of the wound mouth leaves depth more and more..

in the wound where euu leave mii, will recovers completely and knows it, and can do it..

i do not noe tat it iz possible on the day to be when..

it is realized with mii n euu immediately..

i return again together,
i noe possibly it is impossible one..
